Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Bill C-61, my obvious stance...


This article is about the copyright Bill C-61 presented by Minister Jim Prentice which clearly states what can and cannot be done with digital media, generally they are attempting to make peer to peer sharing of media files illegal. I read that the future of internet can be implemented in positive ways, like the peer to peer file sharing was created with the intent to bring down the music industry. Another positive use was the invention of Skype, which uses similar P2P technology, and this technology is used with the intent to bring down the telecommunications systems. Apple's Iphone has even created programs to detect and destroy the use of skype on their iPhone.

More specifically, the ones that would loose more money i feel are media outlets, and Television networks. However even these networks are starting to take advantage of the internet by directly broadcasting their shows on their websites.

If anything P2P sharing shares the wealth for the artists. Like 'how the media is biased' radio stations are biased as well. generally radio stations play big label music not because the music is good but because the labels that produce these artists are paying to have their music broadcasted. In fact, the issue at hand was fought 80 years ago when the radio first came out. Artists felt that it was taking away from sales then, and now it is a positive form of exposure. You now consciously pick the music you want to listen, instead of having it mindlessly thrown at you.

Generally, the use of MySpace has brought new up and coming artists into the spotlight, which have created new band labels. These revenues are taken away from the big labels, such as Sony music, Warner Bros. studios, Universal studios, and virgin Music.

In fact the artist themselves dont actually lose money. Take iTunes for instance. people are actually paying for each iTunes song, and the artist gain their revenue. The revenue that would go towards the music studios are now going to apple. This is just a new form of business and they've taken advantage of that. Also artists stir the pot, because they actually don't like studio labels like, Prince, or more recently how radio head allowed fans to decide how much to pay for their album, and allowed them to download them for free. This slaps studios in the face Big time.
The bill, I feel is a negative aspect and the artists don't necessarily loose out. They are just sharing opportunity.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't say that p2p was built on the intent to bring down music/telecom industries. Without the music industry and artists producing contents, people won't have anything to share with.

The bill has a good intent, but can't keep up with the current technology trend. People setting up the bill should really dig into current gadgets like iPod before finalizing anything.